Finding Your Ideal Working From Home Balance
With so many working from home, it can be difficult to concentrate and stay productive in the same space you associate with relaxation and after-work activities. During these challenging times where everyone is feeling uncertainty and stress weighing them down, it’s integral to take time to clear your head and center yourself in your current environment. While this might seem complicated, it’s actually much easier than it appears, and can be achieved in a multitude of ways, all geared towards one goal: allowing you to regain your sense of calm and feel more comfortable in a constantly-evolving situation.
One of the oldest tricks in the book, meditation, is also one of the most effective in helping you clear your head and recovering your focus. Start your day off with a quick meditation session, or take a break during the day to meditate and center your mind; either way, there’s a whole assortment of meditation exercises that you can choose from. Start from the basics and learn the proper steps in order to have the most successful session you can!
Physical Activity
If you prefer a more physically active way to find a mental balance, exercise can be a great way to get your body moving and keep your mind off stress. Our Truth Nutrition Natural Pre-Workout is a great addition to your exercise routine, benefitting your mind and body. Find some time during the day to get out of your office chair, and get your body moving (even from indoors), allowing you to release stress and face the rest of the day with more energy. There are tons of apps and online resources to help you find great at-home exercises that work best for you, and even check out our Instagram @truthnutrition for some featured resources about getting the most out of exercising at home.
Work-life Balance
While working from home sounds fantastic (and necessary!), you can periodically feel yourself becoming less productive with household distractions, and the close proximity to your bed or couch. In that case, it’s sometimes best to take a step back and reorganize the way you approach the new working-from-home restrictions. According to Forbes, there are several great and easy steps you can take to help you balance your need to work and relax, such as taking action to “dedicate a spot in your home to working,” setting and sticking to specific “working hours,” and after finishing the tasks for the day “turn off your computer, do a quick tidy up of your space, and ‘leave’ work…even if that only means taking a few steps from your table to your couch.” These initiatives can provide you with that separation from work-life and home-life that you’ve been craving, allowing you to maintain both a motivated working experience and a positive home environment.

During these difficult and uncertain times, it is important to keep a positive and centered mind to ease your own stress and maintain a healthy level of both productivity and relaxation. Remember to leave some time in the day to focus on what makes you happy, and engage in fun activities you can do from home to keep yourself in good spirits. Finding that essential balance while working from home is a great way to keep your mind and your body healthy!
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